Why focus on brand mentions?

Claiming unlinked brand mentions can help improve the visibility of your website in organic search.

Ideal for brands who have a presence online, where the brand is likely to have been mentioned by third parties.

This can be local, national or international – so long as the company, and website are established and are likely to be mentioned in any context externally.

Researching all mentions, both positive and negative, will provide clarity for brand managers and SEO teams to optimise the website’s presence and drive maximum organic traffic to the domain from highly relevant, targeted websites.



SEO brand mentions serve as a strong trust signal to Google about the relevance and trustworthiness of your brand.


Earn backlinks and optimise brand mentions that appear off-site for improved exposure and traffic potential.


The more topically relevant links you earn from relevant websites, the better your website will rank in organic search.

Combining SEO expertise with brand management

Section Accent

Our team of backlink specialists methodically research and assess your brand’s digital footprint for opportunities to turn citations (mentions of your brand) to linked brand mentions.

Following a bespoke report and collaborative workspace, we focus on identifying the most relevant and authoritative mentions of your brand online.



We’ll aim to find out all about your brand, your business and the most likely sources of online mentions. Your dedicated manager will provide access to our shared workspace, where you will find all of the data and the system for signoff before outreach begins.



Using the key search terms provided; such as brand name, trademarks, priority products and services and any public figures within the company, Hive19 will systematically scour the web for every single online mention of your company.

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The raw data will be expertly assessed to identify opportunities for growth, sifting through the low quality mentions to find unlinked brand mentions, broken links and any potential harmful citations or backlinks.  Using our exclusive HiveRank® system, Hive19 will assess the potential benefit of acting on any instances where it may be advisable or required.


Client sign off

Actionable instances where value may be gained from identified websites are added to the shared workspace, where you can sign off on the next step. The context, along with core website metrics are shared for each target, along with a process status for easy tracking.



With the cleansed list of client-approved targets, Hive19 will devise a strategy to make contact with target websites, in order to obtain maximum value.

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Depending on the volume of approved targets (it can be in upwards of 10k), Hive19 will expertly reach out to each website individually to optimise the brand mention and drive maximum organic growth for your brand.

Request a brand monitoring quote

Brand mention FAQs

How do you charge for online brand monitoring?

We charge for the research phase and the remediation phase (client sign off and outreach to action any findings) separately.

This allows you to use the research internally, if you would rather take care of that phase or yourselves – or in the unlikely event that the research didn’t return enough instances to progress to remediation.

Prices are bespoke, based on the number of mentions we might be working with, which is generally proportional to the size / reach of the brand.

How do you find brand mentions online?

Using the information provided in the discovery phase, we use a variety of Google searches and parameters, along with industry tools including Ahrefs, Mention and a few others. We then manually assess thousands of rows of data, slicing the findings into segments that can be reviewed, actioned or discarded.

We also use our exclusive HiveRank® system to analyse opportunities, to identify potential areas of growth for your domain.

How long does the research phase take?

Depending on the size of the brand, and therefore the volume of mentions assessed – we usually present the findings the following month from when the work was requested.

How long does the outreach phase take?

The outreach phase is entirely dependent on the client sign off phase, as this usually involves the SEO & PR team collaborating to approve opportunities.

Assuming this phase is complete, it then depends on the volume of mentions that require action. Generally speaking, we tend to outreach for anything between 10 and 250 instances per month.

Are you able to fix broken links?

We are able to identify any instances of broken links, naked URLs or backlinks that could be improved (updating to a newer resource, for instance) and then outreach to the website where the issue exists. We cannot guarantee that the website will update the mention, but we certainly do everything in our power to make it happen.

What if I have a PR team who don’t want you to speak with their contacts?

This is why we have the client sign-off phase. Naturally, SEO teams and PR teams have different objectives for exposure – and there are instances where it would not be possible or even advisable to attempt to update mentions. Our shared workspace provides absolute clarity of every mention online, and the action required – meaning your wider team can approve any potential action before it takes place.

How do I track progress?

You will be presented with a report after the research phase, which segments the data and provides our advice.

You will also have access to the shared workspace, where you can clearly see all of the opportunities, separated by type. Each row has a status that can be updated by Hive19 and the members of your organisation that require sign-off.