Link building services, focused on relevance

An award winning link building agency

See why we were voted one of the Top 5 Specialist Agencies in the digital marketing industry, and why brands love working with us.

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Our core service, using a keyword-led strategy to build topically relevant links that create exposure and drive organic growth.

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"What sets Hive19 apart is its remarkable ability to learn and contribute to the ambitious goals we set. They don't simply produce content; they become an integral part of our strategy, aligning their efforts with our vision and objectives. Their commitment to helping us achieve our goals is obvious."

Marta Mazurowska - SumUp Content Manager

"Collaborating with Hive19 has been a pleasure. Their team is responsive, professional, and goes above and beyond to understand our specific goals and target audience. Their tailored link building strategies have proven to be an invaluable asset to our overall marketing strategy."

Gabrielle Menager - Mention Digital Growth Specialist

"Hive19 is a well-built, quality link building agency from top to bottom. Seeing them grow into a successful business, tackling the Fintech and SaaS sectors has been impressive. It’s a testament to their expertise, dedication to quality, and understanding of processes. Under Hive19’s extraordinary leadership, they will impress any client, big or small."

Alex Gopshtein - Pitchbox Co-Founder

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From £750 per month.

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From £5,000 per month.

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eBook: Questions to ask your link builder [2024]

The most important questions to ask when choosing a link building agency, and some common red flags to keep an eye out for.

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Authority Metrics

Ahrefs Domain Rating (DR)

Glossary  |  2 mins

Domain Rating (or DR) is a site authority metric created by Ahrefs, which is used to show the authority and ranking potential for a given site. It’s calculated based on a number of factors, including the number of referring dofollow links and the authority of those links. Domain Rating is measured on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 representing the lowest possible authority, and 100 being the highest. Domain Rating generally shares a close relationship with Ahrefs Rank (AR), which is a more granular measure (out of millions) where a score closer to 0 is more authoritative. Domain rating can be useful when making informed SEO observations and decisions, such as your site’s ranking potential compared to its competitors, or prospecting the value of a backlink from a certain domain. DR is measured on a logarithmic scale, meaning that the gap between the DR values on the higher end of the scale are much wider than those on the lower end, and increasing your DR will become more challenging the higher it gets. For example, if you’re working to increase your DR from 25 to 26, you’re going to find it significantly easier than trying to increase it from 65 to 66. If you’re curious about your Ahrefs DR but don’t have access to the full version of Ahrefs, you can view it for free with Ahrefs’ online Website Authority Checker. While DR features prominently in many Ahrefs reports, and tends to have a strong correlation with a site’s traffic and rankings, it isn’t something that’s tracked by Google. By focussing on producing high quality content and building valuable backlinks, your rankings, traffic, and domain rating will improve as a natural by product.

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Authority Metrics

Moz Domain Authority (DA)

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Domain authority (DA) is a system of measuring how authoritative a website is, created by leading SEO tool Moz. Although similar to Page Authority, another measure provided by the software company, Domain Authority is a metric for the entire domain as opposed to the individual page. It’s based on a range of different factors using data drawn from Moz’s Link Explorer web index, including a site’s total number of links and root domains. Although DA is not a direct ranking factor, and isn’t tracked by Google, it remains a useful indicator for assessing both the ranking potential of your site, and the potential value of links from outside referring domains. Checking domain authority is a routine step when most SEOs begin working on a site. Moz maintains a free Free Domain Analysis Tool on their website, so even if you’re not paying for the full tool, you’ll be able to keep an eye on your site’s DA as you work to optimise it. Domain authority is scored on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest. Authority scores average between 40 and 50, so anything above 50 can be considered good. The 60 mark is a tough barrier to break for most sites, so anything above 60 can be considered excellent! A minority of long-established and highly popular sites, for example Wikipedia, have DA scores in the 90s. Many link builders consider the domain authority of a website before reaching out for links, as gaining links from high authority websites is extremely beneficial. However, while domain authority is important, it is not the only important metric, and assessing the true value of a site will require a more granular look at a range of other authority factors.

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Authority Metrics

Majestic Trust Flow (TF)

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Trust Flow (or TF) is a metric created and trademarked by the SEO tool Majestic. It’s a numeric score between 0 and 100 which indicates how trustworthy and authoritative a given website is, based on the authority of the referring domains it has in its backlink profile. It can be checked for free through the Majestic Backlink Checker. Like Ahrefs’ Domain Rating and Moz’s Domain Authority, this metric isn’t endorsed by Google, but does provide a useful indicator for the ranking potential of a site, and the value of a backlink from a referring domain. Unlike Majestic’s Citation Flow metric, which measures the quantity of links alone, improving Trust Flow is much more challenging. Because Trust Flow is a measure of the quality of links rather than the raw quantity, and new backlinks can cause the score to go up or down depending on the authority of the referring domain, the vast majority of websites tend to have a Citation Flow that’s higher than their Trust Flow. During any SEO work, your site’s Trust Flow score can be useful for getting a quick, at a glance idea of your site’s ranking potential, and sudden peaks or dips in the score can prompt you to identify and understand how changes in your backlink profile are affecting your organic visibility. This is especially true of one of Majestic's other features - the Link Graph. When all are used in conjunction for analysis, it can give you a good idea of your backlink profile’s overall quality. It could be estimated that the closer the ratio of the first two metrics, along with a score circa 1 on the Link Graph - the higher the average authority of the sites linking to yours. When carrying out a link building campaign, and looking for new referring domains to target, it can be helpful to use Trust Flow as a benchmark for quality. By filtering out domains with a Trust Flow score lower than that of your site, you’ll ensure that any new links you’re able to build will improve the Trust Flow of your site, and its authority.

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Link building FAQs

How do you charge for link building services? 

Campaigns are ongoing, charged on a monthly basis. We offer two types of publication Supreme & Ultimate (separated in our HiveRank® system, bespoke to your industry). You can choose the volume, with the minimum being one per month. Ultimate Campaigns are priced as a retainer.

How do I track progress?

You will have access to a shared workspace where you will be able to see the progress of each deliverable, via a series of stages. You will also receive updates throughout the campaign, explaining metric increases and other vital information from publications.

What is the turnaround time?

Each website is contacted independently, and each editor works to their own time frame – both in terms of replying, and publishing content. For that reason we cannot ever guarantee a turnaround time, but taking the average number of days across every publication Hive19 has ever produced, it is around 38 days from initial contact.

How long does it take to work?

This really depends on the industry, the volume and the history of the domain. Clients with smaller profiles will see larger gains quicker, whilst more established clients are likely to see sustained growth within higher volume campaigns.

How do you select the right websites for me?

Hive19 identifies and assesses over 25,000 websites every month. Using your target key terms and creatively mapping customer groups, we will find sites in your country, your industry and your niche. From there, our HiveRank® system, a weighting system considering over 45 metrics and manual checks will determine the suitability for each publication.

Is my website ready for link building?

This is very important, as an under-optimised website will not see the full benefit of powerful links. Building high quality links that aren’t paid for requires linkable assets, and that means the first place to start any campaign is on your own website. We will learn this before we begin, and wouldn’t start a campaign before your website is ready to earn maximum return on investment.

How do you measure a site’s quality?

With our exclusive HiveRank® system.

Each campaign gets a bespoke Register, relevant to your website. Whilst DR, DA, TF, country level traffic are some of the pillars, the relevancy to your website is unique. So, what makes an Ultimate publication in the Fintech industry is very unlikely to be considered a different industry, such as medical or property.

The HiveRank® system is a complex software that uses uptodate statistics from API data taken from Ahrefs, Moz, Majestic, ScreamingFrog – and completed with a series of manual assessment checks.

Do you pay for publishing?

For editorials, no. For advertorials, listings and packages – we share the information with you to determine if it is a desirable marketing spend.

Are links permanent?

Working with real businesses, we are not buying links. We are providing quality content that helps the third party website to rank for terms that align with our client. Therefore, whilst we cannot guarantee that the link will be permanent – we are confident that there is no reason for the site to remove it once published. We are proud to guarantee publications will be live for a minimum of 12 months.

Are links followed?

Over 95% of all links ever built by Hive19 are followed. We do not guarantee that links will be followed, but with thousands built – it’s safe to assume the majority will be followed. A 100% followed link profile is unnatural, so the occasional no-follow links from an equally powerful and topically relevant domain is good as part of a natural backlink profile, in our eyes.

What to ask a link builder before hiring them?

The difficulty when outsourcing your link building is understanding whether the agency you hire will deliver quality links or potentially harmful ones. We have put together some useful eBooks to help, one of which is Questions to ask your Link Builder

Where are you based?

Hive19 is based in Brighton in the UK